Monday, 12. February 2007
Josy - Our new dog
addisnews, 21:57h
10th of february we could decide finally to reinforce our security staff at our compound: We adopt a three month old dog, we decide to give him the name JOSY. This is an amharic name and means "the hairy", "der Haarige", "el peludo". He is besautyful, isn't he ?

Since saturday Josy enjoy a hard training to become a well educated fighting dog to defense our property, our guard and us.

The training progam is organized by an international expert and advisor. Here you can see details of the first training unit: Practising the command "Cheese" into the camera.

Since saturday Josy enjoy a hard training to become a well educated fighting dog to defense our property, our guard and us.

The training progam is organized by an international expert and advisor. Here you can see details of the first training unit: Practising the command "Cheese" into the camera.

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